
Troy, Texas
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This is Waste Not Farm. We are a family focused farm fresh to you, grass fed beef producer that leaves nothing to waste. Located in Bell County, Texas, we serve local and surrounding areas with natural food products.

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Troy, TX
(361) 443-5420

Farm Fresh Eggs

Farm fresh eggs vs. Store-bought eggs

Farm fresh eggs are better than supermarket eggs in many ways. As more people choose to shop local, they learn more about where their food comes from and the significant quality difference local food has over what they previously bought at the market. When it comes to eggs, there are many differences. Are these differences significant to you when buying eggs for your family? 

Farm fresh vs. supermarket eggs

A proven benefit of farm fresh eggs over supermarket eggs is the difference in nutritional value. The treatment of laying hens at local farms and large egg production facilities translates into egg quality and nutrients. 

Chickens with access to outdoor foraging are healthier because they have space to roam and supplement their natural omnivore diet. Contrary to popular marketing campaigns, chickens are not vegetarians and aren’t as healthy when fed strictly vegan diets. Farm chickens have also shown a lower risk of catching salmonella and transferring it to the eggs they produce. 

Does color make a difference?

When making the switch from market to farm eggs there is a noticeable difference in egg appearance. Most of us are used to egg shells being white or brown. Farm fresh eggs come in a variety of colors depending on the breed of chicken. Other than shell color, there is really no difference. 

After you crack an egg, you may notice the yolks of your farm eggs are darker than what you’ve bought at the market. Yolk color is based on the hen’s diet: the more a hen is allowed to forage for a natural diet of green grass and insects, the darker and richer the yolk color. Some yolks can be so orange they’re almost red! That’s a sign of a happy, healthy hen.

It is uncommon, but occasionally there may be a blood spot in an egg. This occurs in both farm fresh and market eggs. During the laying process, a blood vessel may burst causing the spot. It is safe to eat, but many choose to remove them before cooking the egg. 

I’m so excited to announce Waste Not Farm now offers duck eggs! Duck eggs are very similar to chicken eggs. They tend to be larger in size, and some say they have a stronger flavor. 

Farm fresh eggs from Waste Not Farm

My son and I love to care for our laying gals at Waste Not Farm. All of our free range chickens are all natural and raised with no antibiotics or chemicals of any kind. They produce beautiful brown eggs. We deliver eggs, by the dozen or the 18-pack, twice a week to our local customers. 

Save your egg crate! I work together with my customers to reduce waste. Any customer who returns their egg crate to be reused will receive a discount on their next egg order. 

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